Store Renoise User Library on iCloud Drive and Link to it Symbolically


Objective: Instead of having a User Library stuck on one machine, map it out to iCloud Drive and always have it going on with yourself.

  1. Quit Renoise
  2. Enter ~/Documents
  3. Copy the Renoise -folder and place it onto your iCloud Drive.
  4. Delete the Renoise -folder from ~/Documents.
  5. Open Terminal
  6. Type cd ~/Documents
  7. Type ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Renoise (type the long link yourself and keep pressing Tab just to makes ure that you’re in the right place.
  8. You will now see a Renoise -folder/alias appear on Finder if you have it open.
  9. Go about your merry way.

If you now start up Renoise, it will automatically access your User Library from your iCloud Drive. Enjoy.




Written by Esa(Lackluster)Ruoho

Electronic music composer, free-energy archivist/librarian. Some form of thinker.

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