Store Renoise User Library on iCloud Drive and Link to it Symbolically
Mar 30, 2023
Objective: Instead of having a User Library stuck on one machine, map it out to iCloud Drive and always have it going on with yourself.
- Quit Renoise
- Enter ~/Documents
- Copy the Renoise -folder and place it onto your iCloud Drive.
- Delete the Renoise -folder from ~/Documents.
- Open Terminal
- Type cd ~/Documents
- Type ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Renoise (type the long link yourself and keep pressing Tab just to makes ure that you’re in the right place.
- You will now see a Renoise -folder/alias appear on Finder if you have it open.
- Go about your merry way.
If you now start up Renoise, it will automatically access your User Library from your iCloud Drive. Enjoy.