Store Renoise Keyboard Shortcuts on iCloud Drive and Link to Them Symbolically from Renoise Folder
Mar 27, 2023
Hi, this has been bothering me for a while, but I’m glad it did work.
Objective: Want to use the same KeyBindings.xml across multiple machines — i.e. only one Renoise Shortcut settings file, always saved, always safe.
- Quit Renoise, open Terminal.
- Go to ~/Library/Preferences/Renoise
- Change into the folder you want to make the symbolic link to, in this case, 3.1.1
- Delete KeyBindings.xml
- Type, in my case: ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/KeyBindings.xml (if you use DropBox, you’d be putting a stable link-to-file from there so something like ~/Dropbox/Keybindings.xml maybe?
- Start Renoise and verify that they’re there.
They’re there. Congrats!