Should all manual testers that test for bugs in software resign when they came across bugs, instead of reporting them and trying to get them fixed.
Do you move places every time you disagree with the design of the house you live in, instead of getting in touch with the company or repairmen that can fix it?
If you experience a network outage, do you switch network providers instead of getting in touch with them to get the issue fixed?
The writer of the article tried to swerve a large-scale company to adhere to its motto. You just spent some time attacking them and calling them out for being evil people. While having a high horse is probably cool, must you be riding it, too?
While in your own little world, your response is probably valid, over here in the real world, your retort comes across as pretty much a personal attack and “oh look at how good I am, check me out”.
You’d make a terrible tester. The minute an app doesn’t work for you, you go out shopping for the next app that should work better, instead of getting in touch with the development team and logging feature suggestions and telling them about bugs and stuff.
If everyone that disagrees with what a country is doing, leave the country — how is the country ever going to change? The same with software and companies. D’you see?