Launch System Settings with macOS Ventura using Hammerspoon

2 min readApr 12, 2023


So, Hammerspoon is a thing.

I’m trying it out a bit. I didn’t at first realize how this brand of LUA works, since it seems to be different from the Renoise API LUA code.

But I got this working:

  hs.hotkey.bindSpec({ { "shift", "cmd"}, "," },
hs.application.launchOrFocus("System Settings")

This takes your regular Shift-CMD-, and boots up System Settings — and in case it is already running, brings the focus to that.

I didn’t quite yet dig deeper into whether a specific page of System Settings could be brought up, as that would be pretty good, but there’s always next time, right?

No. The time is now. So, there’s a really useful page, which lets you find some additional deeplinks for System Settings, and therefore, this, brings you to Software Update:

open ""

Now, the real question is, what’s the method for Hammerspoon to boot up these types of deeplinks? Cos it isn’t hs.application.launchOrFocus.

.. Ok, after a very frustrating evening, decided to call it a night and switch approaches. First try and make it work with AppleScript.

This works in AppleScript:

tell application "System Settings"
end tell
tell application "System Settings"
reveal pane id ""
end tell

Not sure why it needs two tells, but at least it works. Well, here’s how it looks like with Hammerspoon. For some reason, this is very slow!

  hs.hotkey.bindSpec({ { "ctrl", "cmd", "alt"}, "," },
hs.osascript.applescript([[tell application "System Settings" to reveal pane id ""
tell application "System Settings" to activate]])

If anyone knows how to make this faster, please let me know?

EDIT: This is how you get it to be faster:

  hs.hotkey.bindSpec({ { "ctrl", "cmd", "alt"}, "," },
local url = ''
local handler = ''
hs.urlevent.openURLWithBundle(url, handler)

The advice was provided in this comment in this ticket:

Thanks everyone!




Written by Esa(Lackluster)Ruoho

Electronic music composer, free-energy archivist/librarian. Some form of thinker.

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