How to get the Teslacoin (TES) wallet to sync on macOS

4 min readApr 24, 2021


Ok, seems like there’s no real information online about how to get the Teslacoin (TES) wallet to work on macOS. Which is slightly frustrating.

So, you first need to download a wallet, and then the bootstrap package, and some sort of mythical peer list.

The wallet you can get from — It’ll work on Windows, macOS, Linux, or you can get the sourcecode from GitHub at — although the newest build 4.1 was released in 2018..

The bootstrap package is, as of 24th April 2021, at

Remember, doesn’t play well with Safari, so use Chrome or Firefox to download the package. As of 24th April 2021 the package was 2.04Gb in size.

You then need a Peer list. Oh yeah, the #wallets url has some form of tutorial, but it is for Windows only. ( )

After downloading the bootstrap package and your Teslacoin installer, do the following.

  1. Launch the app. In macOS case, it is called
  2. Go to Settings and Encrypt wallet.
  3. You will now be prompted to put in at least 8 random words. Once you successfully put them in, you’ll see:
Teslacoin will close now to finish the encryption process.
  1. Launch the app again.
  2. Copy wallet.dat by going to File -> Backup wallet.
  1. Close the app.
  2. Open your Finder in the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Teslacoin
  3. Delete all files except wallet.dat.
Getting ready to delete everything except wallet.dat
  1. Unrar the Bootstrap package and copy the files into the Teslacoin folder.
The Unarchiver opening the Teslacoin15Feb2021.rar package
  1. Open the wallet again, and wait “a few minutes”.

Ok, here’s where the problems started.

I got this:

Oh noes, tutorial didn’t help.

I fooled around a little bit, and then came up with a solution. Copy everything from the rar except database — then launch

Now i’m seeing this:

Oh yay, there’s a connection to 1 peer and a transaction history is being downloaded

Am I out of the woods? Is the Teslacoin (TES) wallet being synced up? Can I eventually stake? Only time will tell.

I’m connected to 1 peer. Let’s see how long it takes to download the full transaction history.

1 active connection(s) to teslacoin network

Wish me luck.


Yay we at “67 days ago”!

Update, 13 hours later, we’re at..

Yay, we at “39 days ago”!

39 days ago, 97.72%.

Ideally, when you get to the current date, a bootstrap package could be created which would make it easier for others to sync up.

Update: We’re closing in on getting to less than 20 days:

27 days
24 days

After this I need to purchase some Teslacoin (TES), withdraw it to my wallet, and start staking.

Update.. 2 days to go:

99.88% done, 2 days to go.

EDIT: Ok! Here we go. All synced up. Time to create a new Bootstrap package!

Time for bootstrap package and upload.




Written by Esa(Lackluster)Ruoho

Electronic music composer, free-energy archivist/librarian. Some form of thinker.

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