How the “” scam works on the web

3 min readSep 2, 2021


Ok here’s a great one. — you are supposedly able to use your computer browser to mine yourself some Tron (TRX). How nice! All you gotta do is wait until you have 50TRX mined, and then you can withdraw it.

Obviously you’re in a rush, so you look at the payment options to “mine faster”.

So you end up having a bunch of plans and eventually you’ll have to make a decision.

Yay for plans
But wait, there’s more plans!
And here are the super ultra permium plans.

Maybe you’ll be like me, and send them 50TRX in order to mine faster.

Congrats, you can now withdraw 50TRX, but the next 50TRX you get together you won’t be able to withdraw, because it gets stuck in “Pending” mode. It’ll never appear. And I guess here’s where you decide to send them 250,000TRX just so you can mine super ultra fast.

But, why would you? Their customer support does not respond to emails, and you don’t feel like calling them to their United States phone number.

Guess this is it then. Pending since 18th July. Is there anybody there?

So, my 50TRX has been pending since 18th July 2021. And if I try to withdraw some more, it immediately gets cancelled, whilst I’m being told, unceremoniously:

An unexpected error has occurred and your payment cannot be made. Try again or contact the administrator.

An unexpected error has occurred and your payment cannot be made. Try again or contact the administrator.

Awesome. I sent them a few Contacts but to be honest, I don’t see what the point of this scam is. Did they benefit from having 50TRX from me for a while, say, Proof-of-staking, or..?

Do you think I should call their US phonenumber?

ADDRESS 185 Greenwich St, New York, NY 10007, USA PHONE +1 212–284–7643 SCHEDULE Mon — Sat : 08am — 20pm Sunday : day off

I don’t know if I want to. Who knows how expensive that would be.

Interestingly, there’s hardly nothing about Alltron online, i.e., nobody even questioning whether it’s a scam or not. So this article’ll be the first one.




Written by Esa(Lackluster)Ruoho

Electronic music composer, free-energy archivist/librarian. Some form of thinker.

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