Does No-one at Apple actually use Apple Music?


So today I was sent a Bandcamp download link for a release in a compilation series. Since I’m going to participate in the next part of the compilation series, thought to check out what’s going on — what’s the music like.

I downloaded the MP3s and added them to Apple Music.

Then was playing the second track, and thought to check out who made it.

Turns out Apple Music is incapable of showing the “Samplequence” artist name in the track listing, the “q” gets cropped.

Seriously, does no-one at Apple actually use Apple Music?

EDIT: Bonuspoints! Turns out the artist KS|Optionica is also cropped. what’s going on in Cupertino?




Written by Esa(Lackluster)Ruoho

Electronic music composer, free-energy archivist/librarian. Some form of thinker.

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